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Your Yoga | Your Home
Lowcountry Yoga is your neighborhood studio – your yoga home. Nestled in neighborhoods surrounding Charleston, South Carolina, Lowcountry Yoga offers a luxury experience in the comfort of your backyard. Whether you grew up here, or moved to the Lowcountry because of its beauty, history, culture, lifestyle, ease or grace – you’ll find that we honor the ancient practice of yoga and the spirit of the Lowcountry as we integrate both into our modern day lifestyles. This magical combination creates a space where movement, stillness and community happen.
Are you looking for…
- a place to move your body?
- a place to silence your mind?
- a place to create relationships?
- a place to find yourself?
If so, I promise, that you will find these things here. We know that there are times when you need to let it all out through soul-pouring sweat AND there are times when you need slow, deliberate movement to take you to places you didn’t expect. Sometimes you need your breath – and sometimes you need to laugh. Whatever you need – we have the class for you!
No matter what class you choose, how long you’ve been practicing or what you seek on any given day – the goal is to always connect with your mind, body and surroundings. We invite everyone from the yoga-curious to the experienced yogi to join us in the studio. You do NOT need to be able to touch your toes to come to class!
At the end of it all, yoga is not complicated. It is movement, a mindset, peace, a practice, a philosophy, a community – a lifestyle. It does not need to be over-thought, over-complicated or over-sold. It is the life we create when we connect our bodies, our breath and our minds as one. Yoga simply is. Please join us.
MY yoga – my home Survey
We get it. Life is busy. Really, really busy. You’re here because you are looking to invest in yourself. To find a time for you to move your body. To silence your mind. To stretch your limits and to grow in your community. But that only works if the timing is right.
We want to know what your life looks like. We want to know how yoga fits in. We want to know what your PERFECT schedule and program looks like.
Please take a few moments to take our ‘My Yoga – My Home’ survey. It won’t take long, but the information you share here is invaluable in helping us to curate a schedule and program that best fits your life.

At Lowcountry Yoga, we honor and respect the mind and body connection. They are not two separate components of who we are — they are ONE.
• What we think impacts how we act
• How we act impacts how we feel
• What we feel impacts how we think
Every Lowcountry Yoga class is more than exercise. Here we strive to provide a welcoming space where you can connect your physical practice to your mental and emotional needs.

Things just feel right when they are aligned.
Body mechanics are the focus of this class. Through slow movement and longer holds, this class will challenge your muscles to hold your body in proper alignment and stretch deeply to increase flexibility. It may sound easy, but this class will challenge everyone!

The Move class comes in three forms:
FAST & HOT is a heated power Vinyasa class that will get you sweaty and energized. In this class, you will follow a traditional flow structure incorporating breath to movement that will lengthen and stretch your muscles while working up to a peak pose.
SLOW & COMFORTABLE also follows a traditional flow structure which integrates the holding of poses with smooth transitions. However, this class will move at a slow to moderate pace so that positions can be held for a longer period of time. The purpose of this class is to encourage a deeper stretch for the body while still getting a full body work-out. The room will be lightly heated for this class.
GENTLE YOGA is our least intense and intimidating class in our Move series. The slower pace allows for safe and easy physical movement. A calm and steady pace is introduced as we slowly cycle through a series of floor based poses as well as a standing series. We allow time for more warm up movements, give detailed instructions and encourage a deeper breath. Modifications are offered to help people of all fitness levels enjoy the benefits of yoga, without putting themselves at risk. This all level class is perfect for both the beginner as well as the yogi looking to slow down. It is ideal for people with injuries, pain, mobility or health issues, as well as those looking for an added dose of chill into their practice. This class is unheated.

It’s good to be powerful!
FOUNDATION AND FUNCTION focuses on building strength of your foundation — it will take you from movement on the mat to movement in life. Utilizing weights, resistance bands and/or your own body isometrics, we will help you move more confidently in a way that enhances performance and reduces the risk of injury in other activities. These exercises incorporate movements from pilates, barre and strength training, all of which require control and precision. These movements are designed to enhance flexibility and increase core endurance. Whether you sit a lot throughout the day, have had an injury — or are simply a human — building strength in the areas that help you function in your daily life can help you lead a healthier and happier life.
HIIT (HEATED) is a full body, low-impact, high intensity workout, using pilates based principles. The room will be heated to 90 degrees and all fitness levels are welcomed. This class helps tone and strength muscles without the pounding of a high-impact workout. It is performed with fast paced music making it fun, exciting and energizing.

Inhale…. and Exhale….
Pranayama — or Yogic Breathing — is the practice of breathe regulation. Focused attention on how we breathe can regulate blood pressure, improve immunity and lung health, increase relaxation, decrease stress and help you sleep better. While we do it everyday, this class will teach specific techniques to help us do it better. The breathing exercises will leave you energized, calm and focused. This is a seated class, bring any props that allow you to sit comfortably for an extended period of time.

Rest & Reset
Relaxation and meditation are key to a healthy mind and body.
YIN YOGA is a quiet, contemplative practice that focuses on releasing fascia and improving joint mobility. This class helps reduce physical tension in the body by passively holding poses for longer durations, allowing for increased inner awareness.
YOGA NIDRA is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping induced by a guided meditation. It is a restful practice that involves no physical movement, yet results in greater energy. You simply rest and listen in a relaxing and meditative state that increases healing, cognition and vitality. Bring as many blankets, pillows or bolsters as you would like so that you can settle in and enjoy all that this class has to offer.
MEDITATION is a fully immersive meditative experience. Release yourself from the effects of stress, busy mind, sensory burnout, fatigue, stuck energies & negative thinking. Attending meditation classes such as this is an excellent way to expand your regular practice and strengthen the “mental muscles” of your mind. Come connect with a mindfulness community and cultivate a sense of peace and wellbeing to supercharge your life.
GENTLE YOGA is all about slowing down and showering the body with gentleness. Our teachers will emphasize breathing and quiet reflection, all while we deeply stretch the physical frame. Creating space for tranquility allows us to walk away feeling flexible in our bodies, relaxed in our minds and calmer in our nervous system. Without having to contort the physical body, a Gentle Rest and Reset class rewards us with mental, physiological and spiritual rejuvenation. A great fit for anyone who is afraid they are not flexible or fit enough, our teachers will provide modifications that are subtle and encouraging, teaching you the specific placements of the skeleton all while introducing you to your breath and internal experience.
DEEP STRETCH offers a calm space to let go of tension and stress, to experience a sense of grounding and centeredness. It targets the primary muscle groups of the hips, legs and spine and with most poses being done on the floor. Poses are held for 1-3 minutes to allow our bodies the time it needs to fully relax and open. This class is designed for those who need to slow down, hit pause and find space to relax. It’s a great class for all yogis looking to unplug and focus on the breath and space within. Beginners, athletes and older populations may especially love this class!
Join Our Team

What should I wear?
Light athletic clothes are best. For most classes, you will want to dress for movement and sweating. Fo the Rest & Reset classes, you may want to layer so that you are comfortable throughout.
When should I arrive?
What should I bring to class?
Is the room heated?
What if I'm not flexible?
What if I have never done yoga?
Every yogi in the room was once a beginner too. Our teachers are here to help and support you. They can answer any questions you may have before or after class. They will also offer modifications during class.
Should I eat before class?
Can kids attend?
Who can benefit from yoga?
What if I can't make it to class?
I put myself on the waitlist. Does this mean I have to come to class if I make it off?
Special Events

Valentine’s Eve Yoga Nidra
Join us for an enchanting evening of deep relaxation and soulful connection in our special Valentine’s Yoga Nidra class!
Designed to honor love in all its forms – self-love, romantic connections and universal compassion – this unique session offers a gentle guided journey into the heart.
WHEN: Thursday, Feb 13th at 6:30PM
WHERE: Park Bend Studio
PRICE: FREE for LCY members!